Getting started

nef is a command line tool to ease the creation of documentation in the form of Swift Playgrounds. It provides compile-time verification of documentation and exports it in Markdown format that can be consumed by Jekyll to generate websites.

💻 Installation

📟 Using Homebrew (preferred)

 ➜ brew install nef

It will warn you if there is a missing dependency and will provide guidance to install it. nef is compatible with macOS 10.14+

📣 You will find more information in Command-Line section.


📦 Using Swift Package Manager

nef can be consumed as a library in your macOS project.

 .package(url: "", from: "{version}")

It is an excellent option if you want to use all nef features in your macOS app, even to build new tooling on top of nef.

📣 You will find more information in Library section.


🔌 Using Xcode Editor Extension

Some of nef features can be used directly in Xcode as an Extension. You can install it directly from App Store or downloading the last binary from the releases section.


📲 Using your iPad

You can create Swift Playgrounds -together with third-party libraries- directly in your iPad using the app nef Playgrounds.


Using a GitHub badge

You can create a nef badge for your GitHub repository, and let users try your project in their iPads.

bow Playground