Xcode Playground β‡’ nef Playground

Let’s assume you already have an Xcode Playground and you want to take advantage of nef Playground features:


Step 1: Prepare your Xcode Playground

Let’s assume you have an Xcode Playground, named MyPlayground in this example, and located at ~/Desktop.

If your playground does not have any page, add some; for example, a page titled Tutorial. Your playground structure should look like:

Step 2: Converts an Xcode Playground to nef Playground

 ➜ nef playground --playground ~/Desktop/MyPlayground.playground --name MyPlayground

It’ll create a nef Playground in your current location, named MyPlayground. You can go to the section Command-Line to learn more about nef Playgrounds.

Using one of these options, you can change the dependency manager and its default dependencies:

You can find more options and information in the section Creating a nef Playground.


How to make an Xcode Playground compatible with CocoaPods?

Following the options seen above, we will continue the example to make our Xcode Playgrounds compatible with 3rd-party libraries using CocoaPods as a dependency manager.

Step 1: Create a Podfile listing your dependencies

It will be named MyPodfile and located at ~/Desktop

 target 'MyPodfile' do
   platform :osx, '10.15'

   pod 'Bow', '~> 0.8.0'

Step 2: Convert an Xcode Playground using your dependencies

Run nef with the options --playground and --podfile:

 ➜ nef playground --playground ~/Desktop/MyPlayground.playground --name MyPlayground --podfile ~/Desktop/MyPodfile

Currently, nef is compatible with CocoaPods and Carthage. In the future, when Apple fixes a known issues in Swift Package Manager and Xcode (#47668990), it will also be compatible with SPM.